Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm Back!

Its been almost 4 months since my last post. With school and work I had no time to blog, I've been uploading  pics of my culinary creations on Facebook (its easier since I take and upload pics from my Blackberry, I think I can upload pics real time to my blog too but I'll have to check on that later).

I went to see Julie & Julia last week and I absolutely LOVED it!! The movie has inspired me to do something similar to what Julie did... I'm SO excited because today I received a box of books I ordered from Amazon and can't wait to try new recipes and techniques. Also in the next days I shall have in my hands my very own Molecular Gastronomy Kit... I'm on my last semester at school and in Creative Cuisine Class we've been making foams, caviar and spheres... something very innovative and definitely NOT what our grandmas used to do in the kitchen back in the day.

I leave you with a pic of my Tropical Crème Brûlée, I made it last Wednesday at school and it was the first dish of this semester to get a perfect score :D

Coconut cream, Dominican Rum, Pineapple Caviar